Feeling like you've found the copy haven your brand needs? 

I think so, too. You'll come for piping hot copywriting services that push your business toward its full potential. But you'll stay because it's such a damn good time

Come sip a signature blend of strategy & storytelling  - served best with a side of expertise, ease, & enthusiasm. 

That's how we do it at Morph. 


Frequently asked questions

For strategy calls, like the Copy Hour, truly any business owner can benefit from some time with a copywriter. However, for done-for-you copy, its best to have solidified your offer(s) and have a good understanding of your niche market. Don't hesitate to reach out and chat through whether done-for-copy is a good move for your business right now! I'll never sell you something you aren't ready for :)

Have a Peak!

More questions? Email Kait

do you take custom projects?

am i ready to work with a copywriter?


When should i book my project?

YES! I want my services to be as affordable as possible, so payment plans are always an option. When you fill in the inquiry form above, just mention that you'd benefit from setting up payments and I'll give you the low down on how it works. 

Have a Peak!

More questions? Email Kait

do you take custom projects?

am i ready to work with a copywriter?


When should i book my project?

NOW! Hehe okay, but really. The earlier the better when it comes to planning launches, website copy, and more. Oftentimes I am booking more than one month out. So if you have an idea of copy you will need a quarter or two out, inquire and 
we can get you on the books so all planned launches will roll out on time! Plus you'll lock in current pricing - always a plus! 

Have a Peak!

More questions? Email Kait

do you take custom projects?

am i ready to work with a copywriter?


When should i book my project?

Absolutely! While website copywriting packages and launches with sales pages & email funnels make up most of my projects, occasionally I create custom packages if it is the right fit. So throw out your wild ideas and let's see if we can work together to bring them to life! You can do that in the inquiry form above! 

Have a Peak!

More questions? Email Kait

do you take custom projects?

am i ready to work with a copywriter?


When should i book my project?

Since you're already here, why not spend some more time wandering through my cozy little corner of the digital world? 


In case you haven't had a chance to learn more about Morph, you might want to check out what it's all about. I believe fully that the success of work we create is amplified when we mesh on personal and professional levels. Vibe check Morph and see if it's the place for you! 

This method is built upon:

This method is built upon:

This method is built upon:

This method is built upon:

This method is built upon:

Keep hangin'! Where to first? 

Have a Peak!

Write your own website

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Learn more about Morph

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This way to the Bulletin Board

Who doesn't love free goodies? Like the little candy bowl sitting on the entry way table? It's like that, but better. Instead of filling your pockets with mints & kisses, why don't you fill that beautiful brain of yours with 5 days worth of trainings on exactly how to become your own website copywriter and write a site that wows? 

If you're more of a find a cozy nook and curl up with a book kind of person, then boy do I have the perfect place for you! Head over to Morph's bulletin board where you'll find info-filled blogs, links to my favorite resources, and more binge-worthy reads. 

This method is built upon:

This method is built upon:

This method is built upon:

This method is built upon:

This method is built upon:

MEET Your Copywriter

Kait Cozzens (it's me, hi!) is a copywriter crafting website copy, sales pages, and email funnels for creative entrepreneurs navigating new age digital marketing. I'm also a bit of a digital nomad and am happiest when I'm writing your copy in the corner of a cafe some place I don't speak the language. 

When I dreamed up Morph Copy House, I knew I wanted to created a space within e-walls that felt like a creative hub for not only effective copy and digital marketing resources, but also a place to celebrate the fact that we are out here surviving this wild ride we call entrepreneurship. So come hang, create, and collaborate - make yourself at home at Morph!